Parinti si copii De Sarbatori Mesaje in versuri de Halloween in limba engleza

Vineri, 25 Octombrie 2013 13:21

Mesaje in versuri de Halloween in limba engleza


Fiind una dintre cele mai vechi sarbatori din lume, Halloween-ul este sarbatorit in foarte multe tari de pe glob. Cel mai mare grad de popularitate il are insa in America de Nord si Canada. Lumea de astazi este o lume globala in care limba engleza face posibila comunicarea intre diferite popoare. Va oferim o colectie de mesaje de Halloween in limba engleza in versuri. Puteti sa trimiteti aceste mesaje celor dragi sau posta ca status la avatar. Wishing you a groovy Halloween!


By pumpkins fat and witches lean …

By coal black cats with eyes of green,

By all the magic ever seen …

I wish you luck this Halloween!


Sing a song of Halloween

Pumpkins everywhere,

Cats and bats and witches

Are flying through the air.


The solemn owl and the pumpkin gay

Will dance all night till break of day.

For this is Halloween so joily

The time for fun and night for folly!


Tonight, upon your pillow,

Close your eyes and hide your head,

For the fairies and the goblins

Will be hovering round your bed.


When the world is wrapped in slumber,

And the moon is sailing high,

If you peep between the curtains

You’ll see witches riding by.


Hold your candle steady

And keep a sharp lookout

For back among the shadows

You’ll see goblins peeping out.


The clock is striking midnight

The witch her spell will cast,

Al the faines, ghost and goblins

Will be conjured from the past.


Not candies but sweet kisses are
what I want from you,
and I'm sending you some to
say that you make each of my days a treat!
Have a sweet Halloween celebration!


Tombs are open,
and mummies are on prowl…
Witches with cats and wizards with owl…
All searching for us to trick
and treat on the Halloween night.
Wishing you a groovy Halloween!


I'm hiding under my bed
with a pumpkin above my head…
The city seems to be painted black and red…
Run if you don't want to be dead.
Happy Halloween!

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